Interested in opening a store, restaurant or another business in Abbeville County? Search our property listings to find the perfect spot to launch your new venture.
Abbeville Shopping Center
763 Highway 28 Bypass, Abbeville County, SC 29620
For lease
Property type: Retail
Immediately Available: 6 spaces
- 12,500 SF retail space
- 8,000 SF retail/fitness space
- 6,500 SF retail space
- 6,400 SF retail space
- 5,100 SF retail space
- 5,000 SF medical/office space
Two outparcels also available for lease or sale
For more, click here.
2.64 Acres on Highway 72. Please call Bubba Harvin at 864-942-8989
Greenwood Street West
815 West Greenwood St.
815 West Greenwood Street, Abbeville, SC 29620
For sale
Property type: Retail
7,000 SF
For more, click here.
1505 Main St. North
1503 Main St. North
300 Main St. South
821 Greenwood St. South